首页 时代信息 陈鸽论唐崇荣:华人属灵伟人最大的败笔(2020-2-5)Larry Pan’s Critique of Stephen Tong: The Greatest Mistake made by the Greatest Chinese Spiritual Leader

陈鸽论唐崇荣:华人属灵伟人最大的败笔(2020-2-5)Larry Pan’s Critique of Stephen Tong: The Greatest Mistake made by the Greatest Chinese Spiritual Leader

毋庸置疑,近代华人教会中最有影响力的传道人,非唐崇荣牧师莫属,没有第二个牧者可以与他相提并论,他对我个人信心坚立于圣经之上(罗 10:17)也有极大的帮助,犹记得唐牧师常引用奥古斯丁的话,说:“我若偏离神的道,请离开我,回归圣经。”

Doubtless to say, Pastor Stephen Tong is the most influential preacher in recent Chinese church history; no other pastor could be even mentioned on a par with him. Personally, he also helped plant my faith firmly on the Bible (Rom 10:17). I remember Pastor Tong quoting St. Augustine often, saying: “If I depart from God’s Word, please depart from me and return to the Bible.”

正因这个缘故,我不得不为从前一次交付圣徒的真道竭力的争辩(犹 3。这是我写此文的主要目的,不是要抹黑唐牧师,乃是要表明我的立场(注1),我必须向全世界宣告我们的信仰,我想,这也代表了许多中国圣徒的心声。

For this very reason, it is needful for me to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3). This is the primary purpose for my writing. It’s not to smear Pastor Tong’s reputation, but to defend the faith(Note 1). I’m obligated to declare to the world the stance of our faith. And I think, this also represents the heart-cry of many Chinese saints. 

(请点击看以下视频 Please watch the following video)


唐牧师在最近“福音与文化” 2020吉隆坡大会上公开说:“要为王y牧师祷告,他是世上最伟大的人之一,他现在被判坐牢九年,这很可能是冠状病毒在中国爆发的原因。”

At the recent “Gospel & Culture” Conference in Kuala Lumpur 2020, Pastor Tong said publicly, “We pray for Wang-Yi. He is one of the greatest men in the world. He is now put into prison for 9 years. Probably that is the reason the coronavirus has come into China.”


He also said:“Someone asks WY if he wants to make an appeal. He absolutely will not. I believe Pastor WY is one of the greatest saints in China. What he said expresses that he has accepted this Bible truth into his heart that “Vengeance is mine, I will repay”.


Pastor Tong’s words confound right and wrong, giving a false account of the true facts. First, he declares one of the great culprits for the persecution of the Chinese church to be the greatest man in the world. Secondly, he paints a political opportunist who is indeed “a lawyer dressed in pastor’s gown” (Note 2), “challenging the civil authority by his supposed divine sovereign rights” (Note 3) to be one of the greatest Chinese saints who embrace God’s Word: “Vengeance is mine, I will repay”. Thirdly, he mistakes a “cultural” Christian who promotes social justice for a faithful pastor who preaches justification by Faith alone.  


Pastor Tong’s statements mislead many Chinese saints and overseas churches, and also testify falsely before God. Pastor Tong has brought confusion and shame to the Kingdom of God. Therefore, we are compelled to take an opposing stand in the Name of Christ.     

6:23 你的眼睛若昏花,全身就黑暗。你里头的光若黑暗了,那黑暗是何等大呢!

Mat 6:23 But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!


          May the Lord pity us that our eyesight will not grow dim spiritually.


                          In Christ, Larry Pan


Note 1: Pan admonishes Pastor Stephen
Tong in the Lord


Note 2: Pan exposes Wang: A Lawyer
dress up in a Pastor’s Gown


Note 3: Pan exposes Wang: Challenging
Civil Authority by Sovereign Rights

注 4:文化基督徒:华人教会的悲哀

“Cultural Christian”: The Tragedy of Chinese Church

注 5:陈鸽论王y:一个行侠仗义的“牧师”(2018-5-29)

Pan exposes Wang: A “Pastor” who carries out Social Justice


关于作者: 陈鸽
