一个是英国弟兄会,或与弟兄运动(Brethren Movement)有关的,以达秘(JohnNelson Darby) 和慕勒(G. Muller)为代表(注),以及马金多(C. H. Mackintosh)、卡亭(G. Cutting)、开雷(W. Kelly)等。弟兄会的影响主要是在教会和解经、预言(特别是郭维德(Robert Govett)、潘汤(D.M.Panton)和彭伯(G.H.Pember))这些方面。
另一个就是内里生命派,诸如:盖恩夫人(Madame Jeanne Guyon)、宾路易师母(Mrs.JessiePenn-Lewis)、慕安德烈(AndrewMurry)、史百克(T.AustinSparks)等。1939年,倪柝声曾去伦敦访问史百克(T.Austin Sparks)。内里生命派的影响是在生命、基督、圣灵、人的三部分(灵、魂、体)、主观的十字架和属灵争战这些方面。”
注:达秘(J N Darby)与穆勒(G Muller),分别代表封闭与开放弟兄会,两者分道扬镳,互不相干。(资料来源:英文维基百科:乔治穆勒http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_M%C3%BCller)
原文如下: Charles Spurgeon on DarbyBrethrenism
“PlymouthBrethren (referring to the Closed Brethren of Darby) have no feeling wherevertheir principles are concerned. I know indeed of no sect or denomination soutterly devoid of kindness of heart. It is the most selfish religious systemwith which I am acquainted. It is entirely wrapped up in itself.
Itrecognizes no other denomination, whether the Church of England, or either ofthe Nonconformist denominations, as a church of Christ. Mr. Darby has again andagain said in print, as well as written in private, that those who belong tohis party in the metropolis, constitute the only church of Christ in London. .. .
Noone ever saw a Darbyite at any of our Bible, or Missionary, or otherEvangelical Society meetings. The Brethren look upon all other denominations,however evangelical in sentiment, and however high their standard of personalreligion, as so largely infected with error in doctrine, as well as wrong inrelation to church government, that they believe it would be sinful toassociate with them for the promotion of religious ends. And this conviction,which is never absent from their minds, naturally has the effect of puffingthem up with spiritual pride. Believing that they alone of all religious bodieshave attained to the knowledge of the truth, it could hardly be otherwise thanthat they should look down on every other Christian sect with supreme pity,mingled, even according to the admission of some of their own number, withcontempt. . . .
Withthis feeling is naturally associated an amount of arrogance in the assertion oftheir own views, which those who differ from them often find to be unbearable.And in this respect their leader, Mr. Darby, sets them an example.
Inhis case it assumes the form of infallibility.
Mr.Darby is, to all intents and purposes a thorough Pope, though under aProtestant name. He will never admit that he is in error; and therefore verynaturally declines to argue with those who controvert the soundness of hisviews. How, indeed, could it be otherwise?”
资料来源:Charles Spurgeon on DarbyBrethrenismhttp://www.thebereans.net/forum2/showthread.php?t=51887
参考:陈鸽论达秘弟兄(John N Darby)