《社会正义和福音的声明》,也称为“达拉斯宣言”(Dallas Statement)就是为此目的拟订的。因着教会内部关乎“社会正义”的花言巧语迅速地散播所导致的困扰,所以,几位基督教领袖起草了这份“达拉斯宣言”作为回应。约翰. 麦克阿瑟(JohnMacArthur)就是这份宣言的关键署名者,他更采取紧急行动,进一步详尽地证实了他所担心的并非空穴来风。近几个月来,通过一系列的博客文章和信息,他揭露了福音派“社会正义”运动所造成的威胁。果然不出所料,从那时起,强烈的反对声浪就喋喋不休、此起彼落。
提姆凯乐(Tim Keller)是曼“哈顿救赎主长老会”(Redeemer PresbyterianChurch in Manhattan)创建的牧师。他坦率地承认,他没有面对所辩论的实质内容,那是因为他相信:他对“达拉斯宣言”所感觉的想法比它实际所说的更重要。
凯乐诉诸于世俗哲学来证明他观点,他利用“言语行为理论”(speech-act theory)作为理解别人的关键方法。(你可以看他说话的视频。)他说:
麦克阿瑟(John MacArthur)在《犹大书解经》他的开场白中,强调了真理至高的价值,以及神的话是如何阐明这一点的。他写到:
Assaulting the Nature ofTruth
by Cameron Buettel
Monday, October 1, 2018
Words matter to God. After all, they are His chosen meansof communication. He doesn’t bring people to a saving knowledge of Himselfthrough mystical, subjective experiences. He has spoken clear, objective,propositional truth to His creatures through His written Word.
That’s why Peter—who saw firsthand the profoundsupernatural power of God, both in the life of Christ and in his own apostolicministry—pointed to Scripture as “the prophetic word made more sure” (2Peter 1:19). Even after Peter heard the voice of God from heaven (v.17-18), his unfailing confidence was in the written Word of God.
Obviously, as fallen creatures not inspired by the HolySpirit, we are incapable of replicating that divine standard of perfect,authoritative, inerrant communication. Nonetheless, Christians throughouthistory have deployed written statements as a vital defense in the ongoing waragainst false teaching. Ancient Christian creeds and catechisms have enduredfor centuries as constant reminders that the truth of our faith isnon-negotiable and worthy of vigorous defense.
The Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel(also referred to as the Dallas Statement) was crafted for similar reasons.Troubled by the rapid rise of social justice rhetoric within the church,several Christian leaders drafted the Dallas Statement in response. JohnMacArthur is a key signatory to that statement and has moved with urgency tofurther substantiate his concerns in great detail. In recent months he hasresponded through a series of blog posts andsermonsexposing the dangers posed by the evangelical social justice movement. Asexpected, loud opposition has flowed freely ever since.
What is surprising—even disappointing—about the pushbackis the widespread failure of critics to engage with the actual content of whathas been stated clearly in the articles, sermons, and the Dallas Statement.Many evangelicals have chosen to argue against what they perceive thosedeclarations to represent—not what they actually say. What we’ve got here isfailure to communicate.
Tim Keller, founding pastor of Redeemer PresbyterianChurch in Manhattan, is candid enough to admit his complicity in not dealingwith the substance of the arguments set forth. But that’s because he believeshow he feels about the Dallas Statement is more important than what it actuallysays.
Keller appeals to secular philosophy in order to make hiscase, using speech-act theory as the key to hisinterpretive approach (the video can be viewedhere).
You can’t just analyze words by what they say, you alsohave to analyze words by what they do. . . . When I go through [the DallasStatement]—if you go really, really strictly—I think just about anybody wouldtake about eighty percent of it. . . . But in the end what concerns me mostabout it is not so much what it’s saying but what it’s trying to do. . . . It’strying to marginalize people who are talking about race and justice. It’strying to say, “You’re really not biblical.” And it’s not fair in that sense.
Keller, perhaps unwittingly, is identifying as apostmodern philosopher. Truth, for him, becomes a matter of personalperception—even to the point of inserting ideas into the Dallas Statement thatare objectively absent. He’s even willing to go so far as to project motivesand concealed agendas onto those who drafted the statement.
If somebody starts to go down it with me and says, “Wouldyou agree with this, would you agree with this?” I would say, “You’re lookingat the level of what it says and not at the level of what it’s doing.” And I dothink what it’s trying to do—what it’s really trying to say is, “Don’t makethis emphasis, don’t worry about the poor, don’t care about the injustice, it’snot really that important.” That’s what it is saying. Even if I could agreewith most of it, I don’t like it. It’s what it’s doing that I don’t like.
Make no mistake—Keller has raised the stakes far beyondthe debate on social justice. This is an assault on the nature of truth itself.Hanging in the balance is how we interpret Scripture. While Keller’s wordsaren’t an outright rejection of all propositional truth, that is effectivelywhat he opens the door to when he subjugates the words of the Dallas Statementto his feelings about what has been said.
One can only wonder if Keller has considered theimplications of his approach to truth when it comes to his own ministry. Canmembers of his congregation reject his messages if they feel emotionallywounded by his words—regardless of what he actually says?
Moreover, Keller’s interpretive approach becomes asinister hermeneutic when applied to God’s Word. Does God’s authorial intentneed to be overthrown to make way for the sovereignty of the reader?
Keller’s affirmation of speech-act theory opens the doorto rampant subjectivity and self-styled religion. In this postmodern culture,such an approach is a gateway drug to apostasy.
In fact, Keller’s stance is emblematic of a poisonousperspective that is already wreaking havoc in the church. The notionthat you can disregard truth on the basis of how it makes you feelundergirds most of the heresies, false doctrines, and twisted theologiesplaguing the church today. The rise of feminism’s influence, doubts about theGenesis account, the widespread acceptance of homosexuality, the supposed needfor fresh revelation from God—these factors and more all stem from afundamental disregard for and dismissal of the authority of Scripture.
Contrary to popular opinion, our Creator is the solearbiter of truth. Only the sovereign Lord of the universe is allowed to decreeand determine what is ultimately true. And in His infinite wisdom, He chose toreveal His perfect truth to us written clearly, objectively, andpropositionally on the pages of Scripture.
In the opening remarks of his commentary on Jude, JohnMacArthur highlights the critical value of truth and how it is stated in God’sWord:
Solomon’s admonition “Buy truth, and do not sell it” (Proverbs 23:23) reflects the fact that truthis a precious commodity in Scripture. After all, God is the “God of truth” (Psalm 31:5;Isaiah 65:16),having magnified His Word which is truth (Psalm119:160; Psalm 138:2;John 17:17). The Lord Jesus Christ, God inhuman flesh, is “full of grace and truth” (John 1:14;cf. John 1:17), being Himself “the way, and thetruth, and the life” (John 14:6;cf. Ephesians 4:21). The Holy Spirit is the“Spirit of truth” (John 14:17;John 15:26; John 16:13;1 John5:6), sealing the salvation of those who embrace “the messageof truth” (Ephesians1:13). And the church is the “pillar and support of thetruth” (1 Timothy3:15), protecting and proclaiming the truth of the gospel(cf. Colossians 1:5). In fact, it is by believingthe truth that people are set free from sin and death (John 8:32).
Although God’s people sometimes forget the importance ofthe truth, Satan never does. Ever since the fall, the father of lies (cf. John 8:44) has done everything in his powerto destroy, hide, and twist the truth—constantly attempting to replace it withfalsehood and deception. Ironically, his deadliest attacks do not come fromthose who openly reject the truth, but rather from those who profess to knowand believe it. [1]
It’s appropriate that John would point out the satanicfoundation underlying every assault on clear, propositional truth. Satan’sfirst interaction with humanity was to inform Eve that it was more importantfor her to judge why God spoke rather than to listen to what He actually said(cf.Genesis3:1–5).
That initial deception in the garden is the true originof speech-act theory. Eve shouldn’t have bought into it, and neither should we.