首页 教牧 司布真(C.H. Spurgeon)论“争辩”(陈鸽翻译)

司布真(C.H. Spurgeon)论“争辩”(陈鸽翻译)

    “争辩” 对于神的儿女而言,从来不是一件很愉快的事儿;他宁可远避纷争,与主相交,也不愿卷入捍卫真道、揭发错谬的论战中。然而,在主的军队中,基督的战士责无旁贷。尽管躺卧在沙发床上安歇,远比在沙场上汗流、站岗要舒服得多,但身为战士,他已学会了绝对顺服。他不计较个人的安逸,只求服从如山的军令。主的仆人必须坚守主所晓谕他的一切真理,因为身为基督精兵,这是他当尽的本分……。(司布真,摘录于1861年讲道)


提后 2:23-26 惟有那愚拙无学问的辩论,总要弃绝,因为知道这等事是起争竞的。24 然而主的仆人不可争竞,只要温温和和的待众人,善於教导,存心忍耐,25 用温柔劝戒那抵挡的人;或者神给他们悔改的心,可以明白真道,26 叫他们这已经被魔鬼任意掳去的,可以醒悟,脱离他的网罗。

     Controversy is never a very
happy element for the child of God: he would far rather be in communion with
his Lord than be engaged in defending the faith, or in attacking error. But the
soldier of Christ knows no choice in his Master’s commands. He may feel it to
be better for him to lie upon the bed of rest than to stand covered with the
sweat and dust of battle; but, as a soldier, he has learned to obey, and the
rule of his obedience is not his personal comfort, but his Lord’s absolute
command. The servant of God must endeavour to maintain all the truth which his
Master has revealed to him, because, as a Christian soldier, this is part of
his duty……. — C. H. S., in address at the Tabernacle, 1861.

    A Christian minister must expect to lose his
repute among men; he must be willing to suffer every reproach for Christ’s
sake; but, then, he may rest assured that he will never lose his real honour if
it be risked for the truth’s sake, and placed in the Redeemer’s hand. The day
shall declare the excellence of the upright, for it will reveal all that was
hidden, and bring to the light that which was concealed. There will be a
resurrection of characters as well as of persons. Every reputation that has
been obscured by clouds of reproach, for Christ’s sake, shall be rendered
glorious when the righteous shall “shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom
of their Father.”— C. H. S.

关于作者: 陈鸽
