首页 麦克阿瑟 耶稣会给你的教会什么信息?(麦克阿瑟)10-24-2018 陈鸽翻译

耶稣会给你的教会什么信息?(麦克阿瑟)10-24-2018 陈鸽翻译











 耶稣和当时外表最虔诚、最讲道德的人(祭司、文士、和旧约的律法师)碰头时,说:“我来本不是召义人,乃是召罪人。”(可 2:17)马太福音 23 章,他向当时最属灵、最严谨的《法利赛》教派的人提出了最强烈的谴责。这些人是以色列全国最“虔诚”的人,他们谨小慎微地遵行上帝的律法,一丝不苟地随从拉比的传统,但耶稣(对他们)说:“你们这假冒为善的文士和法利赛人有祸了!”(太23:13)“有祸了”这个词等同于“受咒诅”。他在向他们宣告定罪和审判。接下来的经节中,他再三重复这句话。16节,他更称他们为“瞎眼领路的”,因为他们带领以色列人误入了虚有其表、道貌岸然的道德之路。



 此外,罗马书说:没有义人……没有行善的,连一个也没有。(罗3:10, 12)因此,不论人自认为他有多么公义正直,或表现地有多么一本正经,都不过是一副假象而已。没有义人,不论他穿戴上如何敬虔的面具,人都不能改变自己的生命。他可以一时痛定思痛,斩断毒瘾恶习,立志重新做人。的确,人靠着自己格外的决心和毅力,在某些程度上,可以洗心革面,除掉一些恶习。而且,如果有足够的人都这样做,那么也会给人类社会带来一点道德的提升,然而,人行动的改变不能触及到人与神的关系,也没有能力将他从罪恶的捆绑中释放出来,或将他带入基督的国度里。道德修养顶多只能把人们变成另一批受咒诅的法利赛人,道德修养不能把任何人从罪疚中拯救出来,也不能助长真实的敬虔。法利赛人和妓女都要同下一个地狱。


 推动文化上的道德修养,或社会上的正义事业,都分散了教会的使命。这是一个危险的分心,因为这浪费了大量宝贵的资源,包括时间、金钱、精力。所以,以弗所书5:16-17 劝诫信徒:“要爱惜光阴,因为现今的世代邪恶。不要作糊涂人,要明白主的旨意如何。”主的旨意不是去实现一个社会正义所统治的文化,甚至一个制度化的法利赛人的社会。









What Would Jesus Say AboutYour Church?

 by John MacArthur

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

 In the book of Revelation, Jesus wrote seven letters tocities in Asia Minor. He didn’t write them to city hall; He wrote them to thechurch.

Let that sink in for a moment. In the closing chapters ofScripture, the Lord did not set His church on a mission to “redeem theculture.” He didn’t advise His people to leverage political power to institutemorality, or to protest the rule of immoral men. In fact, He didn’t launch asocial revolution or devise a political strategy of any kind.

 The church today—and particularly the church inAmerica—needs to understand that God has not called His people out of the worldsimply to wage a culture war with the world. We’re not meant to gain temporalground, like some invading force working to superficially “turn this countryback to God.” We need to shed the illusion that our ancestors’ morality oncemade America a “Christian nation.” There have never been any Christiannations—just Christians.

 Believers need to understand that what happens in Americapolitically and socially has nothing to do with the progress or the power ofthe kingdom of God. Cultural change can’t accelerate the kingdom’s growth; norcan it hinder it (seeMatthew16:18). Christ’s kingdom “is not of this world” (John 18:36).

 That’s not to say I’m dismissive of our democraticprocess or ungrateful to have a voice in it. It’s a great blessing to have avote and to be able to support biblical standards of morality. Many Christiansthroughout the history of the church have lived through far worse circumstancesthan ours, with no legal means to do anything about it.

 But the presumption that a social movement or politicalclout could make a significant spiritual difference in the world is evidence ofa severe misunderstanding of sin. Believers need to put our energies intoministry that can transform lives, not laws. The work of God’s kingdom is notabout overhauling governments, rewriting regulations, or rebuilding societyinto some version of a Christian utopia. Political and social justice effortsare, at best, short-term, external solutions for society’s moral ills, and theydo nothing to address the personal, internal, dominant matter of sinful heartsthat hate God (seeRomans 8:7),and can be rescued from eternal death only by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

 Morality Damns

 Morality on its own is no solution; it damns just likeimmorality. Morality cannot turn the stony heart to flesh, it cannot break thechains of sin, and it cannot reconcile us to God. In that sense, morality aloneis as empty to save as any satanic religion.

 Jesus went head to head with the most religious andoutwardly moral people in His world, particularly with the priests, scribes,and experts in Old Testament law. He said, “I did not come to call therighteous, but sinners” (Mark 2:17).And in Matthew 23, He unleashed His most searing accusations against thereligious right of His day, the party of the Pharisees. These were the mostpious men in the nation, who fastidiously kept the law of God and faithfullyfollowed rabbinical tradition. Jesus says, “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees,hypocrites” (Matthew23: 13). The word “woe” is the equivalent of saying “curseyou.” He’s pronouncing damnation and judgment on them. He repeats the samephrase over and over in the subsequent verses. He calls them “blind guides” inverse 16, as they led Israel astray through their empty, pious morality.

 Neither social change nor moralism was ever the messageof the Old Testament prophets. They were never the message of the Messiah orthe New Testament writers. Such has never been God’s message to the world atall. In fact, Isaiah tells us that “all our righteous deeds are like a filthygarment” (Isaiah 64:6).Man’s morality at its apex is nothing more than foul, defiled rags.

 Moreover, Romans says, “There is none righteous . . .there is none who does good, there is not even one” (Romans3:11–12). So whatever imaginary righteousness man has,whatever superficial morality he exhibits, is just a charade. There is no onerighteous, no matter what kind of pious façade people put up.

 People can change their lives. They can have a moment ofcrisis and decide they’re going to turn away from immorality or addiction andstart living a better life. People can, to some degree, clean up their actsimply by applying extraordinary human effort and resolve. If enough of them doit, there can be a slight moral upgrade in human society. But behavioral reformhas no bearing on people’s relationship with God. It has no means to deliverthem out of the bondage of sin into the kingdom of Christ. The best thatmorality can do is turn people into another batch of condemned Pharisees.Morality can’t save anyone from guilt or fuel genuine godliness. Pharisees andprostitutes share the same hell.

 The push for cultural morality or even social justice isa dangerous distraction from the work of the church. It wastes immense amountsof precious resources, including time, money, and energy. Ephesians5:16–17 urges believers to “[make] the most of your time,because the days are evil. So then do not be foolish, but understand what thewill of the Lord is.” And the will of the Lord is not a culture governed bysocial equity or even institutionalized Phariseeism.

 The word evangelical is derived from the Greek word for“gospel.” It originally signified Christians who understood that the gospel isthe core and the very essence of Christian doctrine and therefore must beguarded at all costs. But it has been so painted over with social and politicalcolors as to have become a political term, rejected by most of society and evenmost professing Christians.

 The True Calling of the Church

 The will of God is not that we become so politicized thatwe turn our mission field into our enemy. Christians are right to repudiatesin, and to declare without equivocation that sin is an offense to our holyGod. That includes sins like abortion, homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, andany other sins that our corrupt culture says we must accept. But a culture soldout to sins such as those is not going to be turned around—much less wonover—by angry protests and partisan politics. It’s futile to think the solutionto our culture’s moral bankruptcy is a legislative remedy. There is no law thatcan make fallen sinners righteous (see Galatians2:21).

 Timothy ministered in a culture that was at least as badas ours. Nothing in Paul’s instructions to his younger disciple suggested thatTimothy should try to redeem the culture. Indeed, he told Timothy things wouldget even worse (2 Timothy3:13). What the people of this depraved world need is thegospel. They need to be told that their sins can be forgiven and they can beset free from the chains of sin and this world’s system. Believers have noright to regard lost sinners with contempt or loathing. Our attitude toward ourneighbors should be a reflection of Christ’s love for them, not an expressionof our disagreement with their politics or even their morality. We have noright to withhold the good news of salvation from them, like Jonah tried to dowith the Ninevites. We ought to make sure that the lost sinners in our livesknow that we love them enough to offer them God’s forgiveness. There is a holyhatred for sin, but Christ wept over the lost in sympathy, and so must we.

 The world is the way it is today because it is the world,and the church must confront it with the full truth. It’s hypocritical forChristians to berate the secular world for the way unbelievers behave when somany churches are validating that either by believing in its ability to beredeemed by human power or by putting on a worldly circus of entertainment andcheap distractions from the real issues. It’s time for the church to be aboutthe ministry of reconciliation—for God’s people to boldly and faithfullyproclaim His gospel and for His church to be salt and light in this dark anddesperate world (Matthew5:13–16). That was the Lord’s message to the churches inRevelation. He commanded them to put off worldliness and corruption, to renewtheir love for Him, and to guard the purity of His gospel and His church.Virtually every admonition, rebuke, warning, and call to repentance our Lordmakes in these letters is applicable to the church in the twenty-firstcentury—including many of today’s best known and most influential evangelicalchurches. It’s time for us to pay attention to the letters to those churches inRevelation and heed Christ’s call to reform of His church.

(Adapted from Christ’s Call to Reform the Church)

关于作者: 陈鸽
