首页 福音 你够格(够坏)成为基督徒吗?(作者:John E. Marshall)陈鸽翻译

你够格(够坏)成为基督徒吗?(作者:John E. Marshall)陈鸽翻译





 3、 这样的人是无知的人。

 第一,  他们对那圣洁公义的神一无所知。

 第二,  他们对神的话(圣经)也一无所知。经上记着说:“没有义人,连一个也没有!”(罗3:10

 第三,  他们对自己更一无所知;他们不认识自己的真实光景:原来在神的眼中,人的“义行”(最好的行为)都像“污秽的衣服”,破烂不堪。(赛64:6




 第一,  即刻求神因耶稣基督的缘故怜悯你。(路18:13

 第二,  求神拯救你脱离罪恶的权势与刑罚。(徒2:21

 第三,  记得:有病的人才需要医生。同理,心灵有病的人(罪人)才需要救主。(太9:12)基督来是为了医治心灵有病的人。

 第四,  记得,正因为你如此之坏,所以你需要一位一位如此之大、如此之善的救主;你迫切的需要耶稣基督,因为他若不救你,你就没救了!你绝不能自救!

 第五, 请听神的话:“凡靠著他进到神面前的人,他都能拯救到底……。”(7:25 

 原文:Are You BadEnough…to Become a Christian?

by John E. Marshall

 1.The Christian Gospel Is for Bad People

The Bible says “Christ died for the ungodly, Christ died for sinners, JesusChrist came into the

world to save sinners.” (Romans 5:6, 1 Timothy 1:15)

 2.Some Men Think They Are So Good They Have No Need of Jesus Christ

There is ageneration that is pure in its own eyes, and yet is not washed from itsfilthiness.”

(Proverbs 30:12) People donot read the Bible, do not pray, never listen to the preaching of the

gospel, never have time tohear about Jesus Christ. This is because they think they are so good,

that they have no need of aSavior. Such people think that when they die they will be accepted in

heaven. They are notworried about dying because it will lead them to a better place.

 3.Such People Are Ignorant

I) They are ignorant ofGod, who is holy and just.

II) They are ignorant ofthe Bible which says that there is “none righteous, nonot one.” (Romans 3:10)

III) They are ignorant ofthemselves; they do not know how they appear in the sight of God. Even the good deeds of menappear as “filthy rags” in God’s sight. (Isaiah 64:6)

 4.Some Think They Are Too Bad to Become Christians

But it is only bad men whomJesus saves. He never saves anyone so long as they think they are good. Christ’s power is great enough to deliver very wicked men from thepower of sin. Christ’s blood is sufficient toatone for the sins of very wicked men and women. Christ’smercy is so greatthat bad men and women, whotruly cry for mercy from him, are never refused.

 5.If You Know You Are Bad, Then

First Call upon God to have mercy upon you for the sake of Jesus Christ.(Luke 18:33)

Second Call upon God to save you from the power and guilt of your sins.(Acts 2:21)

Third Remember, it is those who are sick who need doctors, and those whoare spiritually sick who need a Savior. (Matthew9:12) Christ came to heal the spiritually sick.

Fourth Remember that because you are so bad you need a very powerful andvery kind Savior. You need Jesus Christdesperately, because if He does not save you there is no one else who can.(Acts

4:12) You can never saveyourself.

Fifth Hear what the Bible says: “He is able to save to the uttermost those that come unto God by

Him. (Hebrews 7:25)

关于作者: 陈鸽
