潘霍华(朋霍费尔)是否与《加尔文》一样,完全思想与生活在神的面光中、权柄下、荣耀里呢?他生命的座右铭是否与与《亚伯拉罕、凯帕尔Abraham Kuyper》(改革宗神学家,前荷兰首相1901-1905)一样,全然“为万王之王而活”呢?再者,他是否与凯帕尔一样,不论自然界、世俗界、属灵界,凡事都以基督为本,来诠释人生的每个层面呢?
不论福音派(尤其改革宗)多么想要把潘霍华列入他们的信心英雄榜中,与加尔文、凯帕尔、Bavinck, Hodge、Warfield 和 Vos 相提并论,他们都无权这样作。潘霍华必须被列在Kant 康德、Schleiermacher 施萊爾馬赫、Ritschl 和 Barth 巴特(新正统派鼻祖)的传承队伍里;潘霍华与这个“神学系统”才是一脉相承的。
原文如下:DietrichBonhoeffer—A Review Article
Did Bonhoeffer not, like Calvin, think and live coram deo? Was not his mottolike that of Abraham Kuyper, pro Rege, for the king? Did he not, again withKuyper, seek to interpret every domain of life, even the realm of the naturalor secular, in terms of Christ?
Our answer to all such questions must, of necessity, be that the Christ ofBonhoeffer is not the Christ of the Scriptures, is not the Christ of theReformers, and, in particular is not the Christ of Calvin. Simple honestycompels us to say this. The Christ of Bonhoeffer, in contrast to the Christ ofCalvin, is constructed in terms of post-Kantian philosophy and theology. Thisis factually incontrovertible. The consequence of this fact implies are-interpretation, an Umdeutung, of every word of the vocabulary of biblicaland confessional teaching.
However much evangelical—and notably, Reformed—Christians may wish toincorporate Bonhoeffer in the list of their heroes of the faith, together withCalvin, Kuyper, Bavinck, Hodge,Warfield, and Vos, they have no right to do so.Bonhoeffer must be placed in the line of Kant, of Schleiermacher, of Ritschl,and of Barth. It is the theological descendant of such men as these whorightfully claim Bonhoeffer as their own.
Modern, neo-orthodox theologians know that the two Christs, the Christ ofLuther and Calvin and the Christ of Bonhoeffer stand mutually opposed to oneanother.Moreover, such followers of Calvin as have just been mentioned claimthewhole wide world, the world of science and philosophy as well as the world oftheology, for their Christ. Similarly, such followers of Kant as have just beenmentioned also claim the whole wide world, the world of science, the world ofphilosophy, as well as the world of theology, for their Christ.
Finally, both the present-day followers of Calvin and the present day followersof Kant know that the struggle between the two Christs is a struggle to thedeath. It is the battle of Armageddon that is now being waged between them, andevery man is involved in it.
Cornelius Van Til