首页 真道辨析 属灵争战的真实(麦克阿瑟)陈鸽翻译 9-26-2018

属灵争战的真实(麦克阿瑟)陈鸽翻译 9-26-2018









 林后10:3 因为我们虽然在血气中行事,却不凭著血气争战。4我们争战的兵器本不是属血气的,乃是在神面前有能力,可以攻破坚固的营垒,将各样的计谋,各样拦阻人认识神的那些自高之事,一概攻破了,又将人所有的心意夺回,使他都顺服基督。 


















 The Truth About Spiritual Warfare

by John MacArthur

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

 Any thorough discussion of the exclusivity of Christshould include the issue of spiritual warfare. Not the nonsense we see in thecharismatic church, where a faith healer attempts to bind the demons of backpain and seasonal allergies through your television screen. True spiritualwarfare isn’t about parlor tricks or incantations. It’s a tireless effort towhich all believers have been called, an endless battle we must wage every day.

 In his first epistle to the Corinthian church, Pauladdressed a growing problem among the believers there. Not only was the churchcareless with their observance of the Lord’s Table, but there were also many inthe church who were still partaking in the idol feasts in the temples. Issuinga pastoral warning, Paul wrote, “What do I mean then? That a thing sacrificedto idols is anything, or that an idol is anything? No, but I say that thethings which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons and not to God” (1 Corinthians 10:19–20). The point was simple:The idol itself might not represent a spiritual threat to believers, but theCorinthians should nonetheless respect the demonic realities behind suchidolatry. Paul was making a comprehensive condemnation of all false religions.Worshiping anything other than the God of the Bible amounts to demon-worship.

 Such a conclusion is incompatible with the view of thosewho contend that somehow Hindus, Buddhists, and people of all other religionsand worldviews can find their way to God through intuition, natural reason, andspiritual inclinations. If Paul is correct—and he is—those other faiths don’tpresent alternative avenues to heaven, nor does human reason present analternate means of obtaining grace. The Apostle bluntly says that thosepursuits can’t lead people to God because they’re actually demon worship. Andwhile devotees of other religions wouldn’t self-identify as demon worshipers,demons are nonetheless behind all false religion and at work in all falsesystems. Satan is the father of lies who masquerades as an angel of light, andhis ministers disguise themselves as angels of light and bearers of the truth (2Corinthians 11:13-15).

 We need to bring that understanding into Paul’s secondepistle to the Corinthians and the following exhortation:

 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war accordingto the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinelypowerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations andevery lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are takingevery thought captive to the obedience of Christ. (2Corinthians 10:3–5)

 Paul is describing how the church must respond to falsereligion, worldly philosophies, psychologies, theories, and every otherideological fortress that stands in opposition to the truth of the gospel.Spiritual warfare is a battle against all anti-God ideas. He’s callingbelievers to fight against the religions of demons. The word Paul uses to describethese demonic lies is fascinating. The word translated as “fortress” isochyrōma; it speaks of a fortified stronghold. It could be a castle, a prison,or a tomb. All of those are fitting metaphors for false religions and faultyworldviews. Many people who pursue these alternative paths to God build theirideological fortress like a castle, but it quickly becomes a prison—and it endsup as their tomb, unless they’re rescued and brought captive to Christ.

 All of Satan’s fortresses, regardless of how majestic andimpressive they might appear, are damning prisons. All false religion isdemonic, and people are not ascending to God through the means of demonic lies.No amount of good intentions, zealous piety, or reasoning capacity can clawanyone out of Satan’s deceptive ideological tombs.

 So when you encounter a person who devoutly follows somefalse religion, don’t think that person is making the best effort he can toworship the true God. He is not merely on a more circuitous path to salvation;he is worshiping demons. God is not in those idols. Satan is in those idols,working to corrupt, distort, and confuse sinful man into believing he ispursuing truth. Paul says that’s how we must perceive false religion, for thesake of those still caught in the clutches of Satan’s lies.

 In 2 Thessalonians 1, Paul gives us a powerful statementabout God’s judgment. Verses 7–9 speak of the return of Christ,

 when the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with Hismighty angels in flaming fire, dealing out retribution to those who do not knowGod and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. These will paythe penalty of eternal destruction.

 That’s unmistakable. Paul leaves no room for auniversalistic wideness in God’s mercy. There is no back door to heaven. If youdon’t know the true God and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, you will sufferthe fury of God.

 Natural theology cannot save anyone. All it can do is tieyou to demonic lies and damn you—and it does so with stunning efficiency. It isperhaps the greatest grief of my heart that professing believers—those whoclaim to know and love the Lord—have severely impeded the church’s missionaryendeavor with this kind of heretical theology. At a time when God’s people havethe financial resources, the technology, and the means of transportation—whenwe have a global village that makes proclaiming the gospel easier than it hasever been—Satan has convinced many that the lost are fine the way they are. Infact, some have gone so far as to argue that we shouldn’t take the gospel tothe far reaches of the globe, since those who don’t believe will be guilty ofrejecting more of the truth. In the backward economy of natural theology,ignorance is preferable to illumination and preaching the gospel is dangerous ratherthan a means of deliverance.

 We are appropriately grieved when God’s name isdishonored and when false religions corrupt His truth and twist Scripture.We’re right to grieve for the people who are ensnared by those lies and lost intheir sin. But it is all the more grievous when people actively undermine thegospel and call it “Christianity.” It brings such dishonor on God’s name, andit proudly leads sinners further away from the truth.

 May it be that we are faithful to the truth of Scriptureand faithful to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. And may God raise up agreat force of people who, being faithful to that gospel, can be mightily usedto bring that message of His glorious Son—the only name through which salvationis available—to the ends of the earth. In spite of these demonic efforts,Christ will be exalted among the nations. May God give the church a heart totake the gospel to the ends of the earth, because men will perish without it.And may we be a part of that, starting where we are.

(Adapted from Good News)


关于作者: 陈鸽
