(Diluted Secret Gospel)
让我提醒你,如果你的信仰是“私事”,那就不是基督教信仰。这许多人所发明的、那秘密的信仰,使他们无法得到赦免,也不能得到拯救。耶稣说:“凡在人面前认我的,我在我天上的父面前也必认他。”(太 10:32)如果你不能放胆在众人面前提说基督的名,你又怎能放心相信他正在为你忠心地代祷呢?此时,如果你仍以福音为耻,就表明很可能你没有真信。诚然,得救的信心是隐藏不住的;这信在你身上应该是最昭然若揭的。
(Natural Theology’s Sufficiency)
(Denial of Christ’s Exclusivity)
在我们这多元化、后现代的社会里,这样的理论肯定很受欢迎,这也是可以理解的,因为它将世上所有虚假的信仰体系与基督的福音相提并论,似乎信啥都一样。此外,它更否定了基督的排他性,这是世人一向不能容忍、并越来越不能容忍的概念,但这概念却得到教皇保禄二世(PopeJohn Paul II)的大力提倡。
(The Pope’s Backdoor)
(All Roads lead to Rome)
(Peter Kreeft’s Supporters)
另一位天主教作者奎福特(Peter Kreeft)也在他写的书《合一的圣战》(EcumenicalJihad)中说:只要肯努力真诚地寻求神,那么无论是天主教徒、基督徒、佛教徒、甚至无神论者都可以进入天堂。这简直离经叛道,但更不可思议的是,福音派领袖巴刻(J.I. Packer)和寇森(Charles Colson)竟然还乐意支持奎福特的异端邪说。
(Billy Graham’s Wide Heaven)
(Pinnock’s “Super Tolerance”)
关于这所谓的“神宽广的怜悯”,平诺克(Clark Pinnock)写到:
(Raimon’s Unknown Christ)
这种观点也是雷蒙(Raimon Panikkar’s)所写的《印度教未知的基督》一书的基本理念(这书名本身就很奇怪)。书中,雷蒙说:“真正善良的印度教徒以及真正善良的基督徒都蒙了基督的拯救。不是通过印度教或基督教本身,而是通过他们的圣礼,并最终通过运行于两种宗教中的神秘因素。”[5]。
Renovatingthe Narrow Gate
by John MacArthur
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
A radically abridged and ambiguous view of the gospel hascaptivated the church today. We see this whenever a prominent professingbeliever says his or her faith “is a very private thing.”
Let me suggest to you that if your faith is “a privatething,” it’s not the Christian faith. That personal, secret faith so many haveconcocted grants them no access to forgiveness and has no capacity to save.Jesus said, “Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will alsoconfess him before My Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 10:32).If you can’t even muster the temerity to speak the name of Christ in public,what confidence can you have that He is faithfully interceding on your behalf?If you’re ashamed of the gospel, it’s a strong indication that you have yet tobelieve it. True, saving faith must not be hidden away. It ought to be the mostpublic thing about you!
Others are more overt in their obfuscation, intent onbulldozing heaven’s narrow gate and creating an easier, wider point of ingressto God’s eternal kingdom. Today there is a prominent and surging belief, oftenreferred to as “natural theology,” that suggests man inherently has the abilityto reason himself to God—apart from any divine revelation or formal religion.Supposedly, man is able to discern enough about God from the natural world tosatisfy any divine requirements for faith, without any insight from Scripture.
That theory is understandably popular in our pluralistic,postmodern society, as it puts all the world’s false religious systems on aseemingly equal footing with the Christian gospel. Moreover, it assaults theexclusivity of Christ, which is consistently and increasingly an intolerablenotion to the world. And it was promoted by no less than Pope John Paul II.
In December 2000, before a crowd of more than thirtythousand people in St. Peter’s Square, he said, “The gospel teaches us that thosewho live in accordance with the Beatitudes—the poor in spirit, the pure ofheart, those who bear lovingly the sufferings of life—will enter God’skingdom.” [1] We can concede that Catholics have already rejected the biblicalteaching that salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ alone. But flingingthe doors of heaven open so wide renders even the Catholic system ofworks-salvation null and void. If heathens can be saved merely by living goodand just lives, Rome’s sacraments—along with the pontiff himself—are utterlyuseless.
In fact, author Peter Kreeft (also a Roman Catholic),says in his book Ecumenical Jihad that Catholics, Christians, Buddhists,Muslims, and even atheists will be in heaven if they earnestly sought to findGod. However, the biggest shock from Ecumenical Jihad is that evangelicalleaders such as J.I. Packer and Charles Colson were happy to endorse Kreeft’sheresy.
Tragically, these divergent beliefs about salvation havesuccessfully invaded the church. In a 1997 episode of his TV program Hour ofPower, the televangelist Robert Schuller interviewed world-renowned Christianevangelist Billy Graham. Here is an excerpt from their conversation:
Graham: “I think everybody that loves Christ or knowsChrist (whether they are conscious of it or not), they’re members of the bodyof Christ. And I don’t think we’re going to see a great, sweeping revival thatwill turn the whole world to Christ at any time. . . . God’s purpose for thisage is to call out a people for His name. And that’s what God is doing today.He’s calling people out of the world for His name. Whether they come from theMuslim world, or the Buddhist world, or the Christian world, or thenon-believing world. They are members of the body of Christ because they’vebeen called by God. They may not even know the name of Jesus, but they know intheir heart that they need something that they don’t have, and they turn to theonly light that they have, and I think they’re saved and they’re going to bewith us in heaven.”
Schuller: “What I hear you saying is that it’s possiblefor Jesus Christ to come into human hearts and soul and life, even if they’vebeen born in darkness and have never had exposure to the Bible. Is that acorrect interpretation of what you’re saying?”
Graham: “Yes it is, because I believe that. I’ve metpeople in various parts of the world in tribal situations, that they have neverseen a Bible or heard about a Bible, and never heard of Jesus, but they’vebelieved in their hearts that there was a god, and they’ve tried to live a lifethat was apart from the surrounding community in which they lived.”
Schuller: “This is fantastic! I’m so thrilled to hear yousay this. There’s a wideness in God’s mercy.”
Graham: “There is. There definitely is.” [2]
Regarding that supposed wideness in God’s mercy, ClarkPinnock writes,
In our approach to other religions, we ought to beginwith appreciation not with criticism. Only our traditions prevent it—not ourtheology. Let us heed Max Warren: “We remember that God has not left himselfwithout witness in any nation at any time. When we approach the man of a faithother than our own, it will be in a spirit of expectancy to find out how Godhas been speaking to him and what new understandings of the grace and love ofGod we may ourselves discover in this encounter. Our first task in approachinganother people, another culture, another religion, is to take off our shoes,for the place we are approaching is holy. Else we find ourselves treading onmen’s dreams. More seriously still, we may forget that God was here before ourarrival.” [3]
Pinnock sums up his low view of Christ’s exclusivity thisway: “God the Logos has more going on by way of redemption than what happenedin first century Palestine.” [4]
That perspective also underlies Raimon Panikkar’s bookThe Unknown Christ of Hinduism—a bizarre enough title in itself. In this book,Panikkar says the “good and bona fide Hindu as well as the good and bona fideChristian are saved by Christ—not by Hinduism or Christianity per se, butthrough their sacraments and, ultimately, through the mysterion active within the two religions.” [5]
On and on it goes. There seems to be no end of pastors and evangelical leaders who believe the gospel of the New Testament is too narrow. Instead of faithfully preaching the truth of God’s Word, they vainly attempt to identify a back door into heaven.
Such attempts openly contradict the clear teaching of Scripture. So here we are, forced to defend the exclusivity of Christ againstconstant assaults from inside the church. And the movement is notdiminishing—if anything, it’s quickly growing in this postmodern world, wheretolerance dominates and everyone has a right to his own truth. In a culture that rejects absolute truth, Christians must be able to answer these attacks on the gospel. And we’ll consider that next time.
(Adapted from Good News)