耶利米 23:18 有谁站在耶和华的会中得以听见并会悟他的话呢?有谁留心听他的话呢?…… 21 我没有打发那些先知,他们竟自奔跑;我没有对他们说话,他们竟自预言。22 他们若是站在我的会中,就必使我的百姓听我的话,又使他们回头离开恶道和他们所行的恶。
总结:当然,陶恕“与我们是一样性情的人”(雅 5:17),他也有自己的局限和盲点,他有时引用一些天主教神秘主义者的东西,尽管如此,陶恕与他们有本质的不同,他仍不愧为一位引人认识基督并他话语的时代“先知”。
补充:我们对神的认识,容易走上两个极端:一是学术派,全凭理性头脑;二是奥秘派,全凭经历感觉。我们需要平衡。神超越人的理性和情感,让我们用心灵和诚实(英文:Spirit and Truth = 也可以翻译为:圣灵和真理)敬拜他(约 4:24)。“他必兴旺,我必衰微”(约 3:30)。
of my friends good-humoredly—and some a little bit severely—have called me a
‘mystic.’ Well I’d like to say this about any mysticism I may suppose to have.
If an archangel from heaven were to come, and were to start giving me, telling
me, teaching me, and giving me instruction, I’d ask him for the text. I’d say,
‘Where’s it say that in the Bible? I want to know.’ And I would insist that it
was according to the scriptures, because I do not believe in any
extra-scriptural teachings, nor any anti-scriptural teachings, or any
sub-scriptural teachings.
I think we ought to put the emphasis where God puts it, and
continue to put it there, and to expound the scriptures, and stay by the
scriptures. I wouldn’t—no matter if I saw a light above the light of the sun,
I’d keep my mouth shut about it ’til I’d checked with Daniel and Revelation and
the rest of the scriptures to see if it had any basis in truth. And if it
didn’t, I’d think I’d just eaten something I shouldn’t, and I wouldn’t say
anything about it. Because I don’t believe in anything that is unscriptural or
that is anti-scripture.”—What Difference Does the Holy
Spirit Make?, by A. W. Tozer
资料来源:陶恕是个神秘主义者吗?Was A. W.
Tozer a Mystic?